Article ID: KB0038
- Exit Microsoft Dynamics GP.
- Path to the Dex.ini file using Windows Explorer. The file can be found in your Dynamics GP folder [i.e. > Data if GP 10] .
- Open the Dex.ini file and search for the following statement:
- ScriptDebugger
- If the statement exists, set it to TRUE; otherwise, add the following statement:
- ScriptDebugger=TRUE
- Save and close the Dex.ini file, then Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP. A new option that is named "Debug" should appear on the tool bar.
- Go up to the point JUST BEFORE the operation you wish to log, and stop.
- Click Debug, and then click LogScripts. You will be prompted for the location in which you want to create the Script.log file.
- Perform the operation to be logged, then stop.
- Click Debug on the tool bar, and then click LogScripts to turn off the option.
- The Script log file is created in the location that you specified in step 7.
- Open dex.ini and set the following statements to FALSE:
- ScriptDebugger