Article ID: KB0070
EthoTech provides windows to view information on the versions/builds installed of your company databases as well as the versions/builds installed on each of your Dynamics GP workstations.
To view information on your versions/builds By Database:
Open window EthoTech Database Build Log
[Inquiry >> System >> EthoTech Database Build Log]
This inquiry looks at the information stored in EthoSeries table ETI00996, which is located in the DYNAMICS database.
To view information on your versions/builds By Workstation:
Open window EthoTech Workstation Build Log
[Inquiry >> System >> EthoTech Workstation Build Log]
This inquiry looks at the information stored in EthoSeries table ETI00994, which is located in the DYNAMICS database.
If you cannot get to any of these windows from within the Dynamics GP user interface, then you can use SQL Management Studio to view the information in these SQL tables (ETI00996 and ETI00994), which are located in the DYNAMICS database.