Article ID: KB0063
Where Commission Plan Gets The Date Document Paid Value
When a sales document is posted, an associated receivables document is created in table RM_OPEN (RM20101), with the receivables document number = the sales document number and the RM Document Type-All = 1 (invoice) or 8 (return). When the receivables document is fully relieved and the Paid Transaction Removal routine is run, the receivables document is moved from table RM_OPEN to RM_HISTORY (RM30101).
The above is standard Dynamics GP functionality, and it means that when commissions are created or updated for a posted sales document, we look for the associated receivables document in table RM_OPEN. If a record does not exist, we look for the associated receivables document in RM_HISTORY*. Once we find the record in either RM_OPEN or RM_HISTORY, we use the following logic to determine the Commission Plan Date Document Paid (ASIDTIPD)**:
- If the Current Trx Amount (CURTRXAM) of the RM record is not zero, set the Commission Plan Date Document Paid = ‘1900-1-1’ and exit the script (this check is performed only if the record is in RM_OPEN).
- Set the Commission Plan Date Document Paid to the latest of the following 3 dates from the RM record:
- Date Invoice Paid Off (DINVPDOF) – this is the date the document was fully relieved, for both invoices and returns
- GL Posting Date (GLPOSTDT)
- Document Date (DOCDATE)
We use the latest of these dates (rather than just using the Date Invoice Paid Off) for 2 reasons:
- A bug has persisted in Dynamics GP for many versions, which causes an empty Date Invoice Paid Off value even though the receivables document is fully relieved in some instances.
- Within Dynamics GP, it’s possible to have the Document Date, GL Posting Date , and Date Invoice Paid Off not appear in chronological order. For instance, you could have a document date of 2026-5-1, a posting date of 2026-4-1, and a paid off date of 2025-12-1. Using the latest date gives our clients the best chance of including the commission in their next processing run when using a Date Document Paid range in the Process Commissions window.
Locating the Date Document Paid, GL Posting Date, and Document Date
Commission Plan provides functionality to override a sales document's Date Document Paid, GL Posting Date, or Document Date for commission purposes when using the Commission Plan Override Dates utility window.
On this window, you can view the date values Dynamics GP assigned to each of the dates. These are the same dates used by Commission Plan to determine the Date Document Paid value as noted in the above logic.
You can edit these dates for any unprocessed commission record if you wish to affect when commissions will be available for processing.
* If we don’t find the associated receivables document in either RM_OPEN or RM_HISTORY and the sales document is an invoice, we determine whether the invoice represents a WennSoft service call. If the invoice IS a WennSoft service call, we obtain the associated receivables document number from WennSoft tables and look for a record in RM_OPEN / RM_HISTORY for the associated receivables document number and RM Document Type-All = 5 (Service/Repairs). If we find a record, the logic to determine the Commission Plan Date Document Paid is the same as above.
** If the Commission Plan Date Document Paid was manually overridden, all steps to determine the date are skipped.