Article ID: KB0077
The Commission Plan Utilities window is used primarily when a problem has been discovered with your commission data. This window can also be used during the initial implementation of Commission Plan to populate historical commission records. If a problem is found, or if you suspect there is a problem with your data, use the Preview Report to search the range of documents in question. If you wish to create historical commission records, use the Preview Report to review the range of Sales Order Processing documents for which you want to create commissions.
Situations when you run Commission Plan Utilities
For Utility Option = ‘Update Existing Commissions’ with Posting Status = Unposted and/or History
- Dynamics GP was installed on a new workstation; however, Commission Plan was not installed.
- Commissions are missing from your commission report.
- The sales document has been paid but the commission record shows as Not Ready.
- An integration using an application such as eConnect is being used to apply cash receipts to sales documents.
- You’re been using Commission Plan and just activated Commission Reductions functionality for Terms/Trade Discounts, Writeoffs, Credit Cards, Payment Terms and/or Overdue invoices.
- The EthoSeries* was disabled for a period of time.
For Utility Option = ‘Create Commissions’ with Posting Status = Unposted and/or History
- Dynamics GP was installed on a new workstation; however, Commission Plan was not installed.
- An integration using an application such as eConnect is being used to create sales documents.
- A new company was set up in Dynamics GP and you configured Commission Plan.
- Your company just purchased and configured Commission Plan; and you wish to verify your commission structure has been configured properly.
- You wish to create historical commission records for previous years.
- The EthoSeries* was disabled for a period of time.
For Utility Option = ‘Remove Existing Commissions’ with Posting Status = Unposted and/or History
- Your company just purchased and configured Commission Plan; and you wish to remove your test commission data.
- You wish to clean out your database or commission records NOT processed / paid through Commission Plan.
For Utility Option = ‘Delete and Recreate Commissions’ with Posting Status = Unposted and/or History
- You have changed your commission structure in the Commission Plan configuration.
- You have changed the Salesperson associated with a Customer or Territory.
- You have changed the Salesperson Plan assigned to a Salesperson or the Customer Plan assigned to a Customer or the Item Plan assigned to an item.
- You changed one or more commission rates listed in your Commission Matrix.
- You’ve inserted records into EthoTech Integration tables - for posted sales documents - to override commission data.
NOTE: If you wish to update/create/remove commissions for both Unposted AND Posted sales documents, you will need to run Commission Plan Utilities twice: (1) For Posting Status = Unposted (i.e. work) and (2) For Posting Status = History (i.e. posted).
Best Practices when running Commission Plan Utilities
Example Settings: Posting Status = History; Utility Option = ‘Update Existing Commissions’
- Make a backup of your DYNAMICS and company databases. *IMPORTANT*
- Open Dynamics GP.
- Open the Commission Plan Utilities window.
[Sales Area Page > Utilities > Sales > Commission Plan > Commission Plan Utilities] - Choose a Posting Status of History.
- Select a range using the ‘Documents’ drop-down list.
Ranges: Document Number, Customer ID, Document Date, Batch Number, Document Type, Master Number, GL Posting Date, and Date Document Paid. - Insert the range you set (i.e. Date Document Paid FROM 01/01/2017 TO 01/31/2017)
NOTE: you can insert more than one range. - Under Options, choose Update Existing Commissions.
- Click the Update button and then click YES to execute the routine.
- Existing Commissions for History sales documents in the range you specific will be updated.
- Review commission reports to verify your commission data.
DEFINITIONS RE: Most Commonly Used Utility Options
- The Update Existing Commissions checkbox will update the commission status, commissionable sale and cost amounts (if not overridden by the user), sales document paid date, commission recognition date, commission reductions; and if the Tiers matrix option is in use, the commission rate.
- The Create Commissions checkbox will create commissions only if no commission records currently exist for a sales document.
- The Remove Existing Commissions checkbox will delete unprocessed commissions.
- The Delete and Recreate Commissions checkbox will delete unprocessed commissions and recalculate. NOTE: Commissions for salespeople manually added in the Commission Plan Entry window, and manual edits to automatically calculated commissions will be lost.
DEFINITIONS RE: Other Utility Options
- Marking the Prevent Commission Creation checkbox when removing existing unprocessed commissions will prevent commissions for the associated sales documents from being recreated in the future.
- The Update Commission Holds checkbox will set the hold status of all unprocessed commissions to the salesperson’s hold status as listed on the Salesperson Commission Plan Info window.
- The Reset Salesperson Inactive Status checkbox will refer to the Salesperson Maintenance window to verify if a salesperson is currently marked Inactive, rather than referencing the EthoTech inactive tracking table created when commissions were originally calculated for the document. When the ‘Create Commissions’ checkbox is marked, commissions will be created for active salespeople only; inactive salespeople will be ignored. When the ‘Update Existing Commissions’ checkbox is marked, commissions will be created for salespeople who were originally marked inactive and are now active. Running the ‘Update Existing Commissions’ routine will not delete an existing commission record for a salesperson that is now marked as inactive.
- Use the Reset Document Date Overrides checkbox when creating or updating existing commissions for sales documents for which you have manually overridden the document date.
- Use the Reset GL Posting Date Overrides checkbox when creating or updating existing commissions for posted sales documents for which you have manually overridden the GL posting date.
- Use the Reset Date Document Paid Overrides checkbox when creating or updating existing commissions for posted sales documents for which you have manually overridden the document paid date.
- Use the Reset List Price if not Overridden checkbox to re-evaluate the list price for sales document lines for which you have not manually overridden the list price.
- Use the Reset List Price if Overridden checkbox to re-evaluate the list price for sales document lines for which you have manually overridden the list price.
- Use the Reset Standard Cost if not Overridden checkbox to re-evaluate the standard cost for sales document lines for which you have not manually overridden the list price.
- Use the Reset Standard Cost if Overridden checkbox to re-evaluate the standard cost for sales document lines for which you have manually overridden the list price.
- Use the Reset SOP Line Comm Sale Overrides checkbox to remove any sales document line Commissionable Unit Sale Amount overrides that were created via the Commission Plan Sales Document Info window.
- Use the Reset SOP Line Comm Cost Overrides checkbox to remove any sales document line Commissionable Unit Cost Amount overrides that were created via the Commission Plan Sales Document Info window.
- Use the Reset Price Sheet Overrides checkbox to re-evaluate the line item price sheet assignments for all sales document lines for which you have manually overridden the price sheet. NOTE: This option is only available when Price Sheet Tiers are enabled.
For more detailed information on using Commission Plan Utilities, please refer to the EthoSeries User Guide, which is available for download from the EthoTech Document Library at
* The EthoSeries includes Commission Plan, Customer Service Collection, Historical Serial & Lot Number Tracking, Next Numeric Collection, Quick Track and Salesperson Enhancements.