Article ID: KB0096
How Do I Determine the Description for a Commission Plan 'Salesperson From' Numeric Value?
Commission Plan allows you to assign multiple salespeople to individual customers, sales territories, customer user defined values, and inventory items. These salespeople receive commissions in addition to/instead of the salesperson(s) assigned to the sales document at the header and/or line item level. Commission Plan also allows you to create standalone commission adjustment documents.
The 'Salesperson From' field tracks from which setup Commission Plan pulled the Salesperson for whom commissions are calculated and is stored as a numeric value in the commission summary (ASI28301) and commission line (ASI28311) tables. The associated description is displayed within Commission Plan windows and reports, obtained via Report Writer function rw_ETI_CP_GetSalespersonFromDesc.
For example:
'Salesperson From' Descriptions:
Numeric Value | Description |
1 | Manual Entry |
2 | Integration Table |
3, 4, 5, 6 | Customer Commission Plan Info |
7, 8 | Sales Territory Commission Plan Info |
9 | SOP Document Header |
10 | SOP Document Line Item |
11 | Item Commission Plan Info |
12, 13 | User-Defined Commission Plan Info |
50 | Comm Adjustment |
SQL Views ETI_CP_SOPHDRComm and ETI_CP_SOPLINEComm display the commission data being stored in the commission summary (ASI28301) and commission line (ASI28311) tables. The ETI_Salesperson_From field will display the numeric value (1-13, 50) and the ETI_Salesperson_FromStr field displays the description, obtained via SQL function ETI_CP_FUNC_SP_From.