My commissions are wrong/not calculating properly. How do I find out why?

EthoTech Admin -

Article ID: KB0047

To track down an issue in commission calculation, you need to review all aspects of the commission record. Open the Commission Line Trace window to display the steps taken to derive the commission amount.

To open the Commission Line Trace window:

  • Sales Area Page > Transactions > Commission Plan > Commission Plan Entry
  • Click on any field on the line of the salesperson and then click the Commission Detail expansion button (arrow next to the Commission field) to open the Commission Plan Detail Entry window
  • The Commission Trace expansion button (arrow next to the Net Comm Amt field) opens the Commission Line Trace window

Here is a list of items needing to be reviewed for accuracy:

  • Review messages showing at the bottom of this window
  • Is there a value in the Salesperson Plan, Customer Plan and Item Plan fields? If so, are these Plans correct for this sales document?
  • Is the Commissionable Amt From value for the Commissionable Sale Amt and Commissionable Cost Amt coming from the correct field (i.e. SOP Line Extended Price, SOP Line Extended Cost, etc.)?
  • Is the Commissionable Sales Amt Multiplier % set to a value other than 100%? If so, is the percentage correct?
  • Is the Commissionable Sales Amt Split % set to a value other than 100%? If so, is the percentage correct?
  • Is the Commissionable Cost Amt Multiplier % set to a value other than 100%? If so, is the percentage correct?
  • Is the Commissionable Cost Amt Split % set to a value other than 100%? If so, is the percentage correct?
  • Is the Commission Type showing the correct calculation method?
  • Is the Comm Rate percentage correct? If not, click on the rate expansion arrow (i.e. blue arrow) next to this field to open up the Commission Plan Matrix Inquiry window to view the configuration used for this commission calculation. NOTE: If the commission type or rate is manually edited in the Commission Plan Detail Entry window, then the Commission Plan Matrix Inquiry window will no longer be accessible for the commission line item.
