Article ID: KB0058
I received the following error message:
"Table Conversion Log could not be updated – please drop table ETI00997 and stored procedures of the form zDP_ETI00997XX from the DYNAMICS database, then retry table initialization."
Please follow these instructions to correct this situation.
- Use SQL Management Studio to drop table ETI00997 and all stored procedures that begin with zdp_ ETI00997 from the DYNAMICS database.
- Launch Dynamics GP.
- Log into a company as “sa”. You’ll be prompted to initialize tables.
zdp_ ETI00997 Stored Procedure Names:
- zDP_ETI00997F_1
- zDP_ETI00997F_2
- zDP_ETI00997L_1
- zDP_ETI00997L_2
- zDP_ETI00997N_1
- zDP_ETI00997N_2
- zDP_ETI00997SD
- zDP_ETI00997SI
- zDP_ETI00997SS_1
- zDP_ETI00997SS_