Table Conversion Log could not be updated – please drop table ETI00997 and stored procedures of the form zDP_ETI00997XX from the DYNAMICS database, then retry table initialization.

EthoTech Admin -

Article ID: KB0058


I received the following error message:

"Table Conversion Log could not be updated – please drop table ETI00997 and stored procedures of the form zDP_ETI00997XX from the DYNAMICS database, then retry table initialization."


Please follow these instructions to correct this situation.


  1. Use SQL Management Studio to drop table ETI00997 and all stored procedures that begin with zdp_ ETI00997 from the DYNAMICS database.
  2. Launch Dynamics GP.
  3. Log into a company as “sa”. You’ll be prompted to initialize tables.

zdp_ ETI00997 Stored Procedure Names:

  • zDP_ETI00997F_1
  • zDP_ETI00997F_2
  • zDP_ETI00997L_1
  • zDP_ETI00997L_2
  • zDP_ETI00997N_1
  • zDP_ETI00997N_2
  • zDP_ETI00997SD
  • zDP_ETI00997SI
  • zDP_ETI00997SS_1
  • zDP_ETI00997SS_
